Iyengar Yoga Zentrum Hamburg

About this Location

The Iyengar Yoga Zentrum Hamburg is located in a bright warehouse loft in the popular part of Eimsbüttel with nice cafes and restaurants nearby. The beautiful and tidy group room has a wooden floor and large windows and offers enough space for Feldenkrais classes and advanced trainings. Changing rooms and a kitchenette are available.

More information can be found at: https://www.iyengar-yoga-zentrum-hamburg.de/ .


Iyengar Yoga Zentrum Hamburg
Eppendorfer Weg 57a
20259 Hamburg

Back building, 4th floor


Possible accommodation that can be used during the course or training. If you need further assistance, please contact us.

Hotel NH Hamburg Mitte

Schäferkampsallee 49
20357 Hamburg

Hotel Schanzenstern Altona

Kleine Rainstraße 24-26
22765 Hamburg
friendly organic hotel in Altona (5 stops by bus 20 or 25)

Yo Ho The Young Hotel

Moorkamp 5
20357 Hamburg

Das kleine Schwarze

Tornquiststraße 25
20259 Hamburg

Other recommendations


The information provided here might not be always up to date. For current information, please contact the respective hotel directly.