Espacio Ronda Madrid (Auditorium)

About this Location

Espacio Ronda is a center in Madrid which has become a reference for cultural events such as concerts, lectures, presentations, exhibitions, courses… It is a multicultural meeting place priding itself for its openness, its work towards peace and other human values.
Its facilities are modern, and aesthetics show a refined taste to detail.
Our courses are held in the auditorium. It is a bright, quiet and very pleasant space. It offers optimal conditions to enjoy the Feldenkrais Method.

How to get there:

  • enter the center from Ronda de Segovia street
  • coming in go up the stairs on the left
  • walk to the end of the hallway
  • descend the stairs on your right side and you will find the auditorium


Possible accommodation that can be used during the course or training. If you need further assistance, please contact us.

Hotel Ganivet

Calle de Toledo 111-113
28005 Madrid
Tel: (+34) 91-365 3600

Las Musas Hostel Madrid

Calle Jesús y María 12
28012 Madrid
Tel: (+34) 91-539 4984

Other recommendations


The information provided here might not be always up to date. For current information, please contact the respective hotel directly.