Centre Gerard Arlandes Barcelona

About this Location

The Centre Gerard Arlandes is located in the heart of Barcelona. Given its size and comfortable, cozy atmosphere it is the perfect place for creating close exchanges. It has lots of natural light and small balconies with plants. The center specializes in various techniques that support the physical, mental and spiritual welfare of human beings: Qigong, Tai Chi, Shiatsu Massage and SOUNDER SLEEP just to name a few. Also, pursuing the same objective, it offers lectures with leading cultural figures, TriYoga classes, singing classes and workshops in the Feldenkrais and Trager Methods. Both the center directors benefit of over thirty years of international specialization experience.


Possible accommodation that can be used during the course or training. If you need further assistance, please contact us.

Penyafort-Montserrat-Llull Student Residence

Av. Diagonal, 643
08028 Barcelona
Tel. (+34) 93-216 2708

Campus del Mar Student Residence

Passeig Salvat Papasseit, 4
08003 Barcelona

Other recommendations


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